Join us as we welcome

Rev. Robert Odum

October 20 & 27, 2024


8:30 a.m. - Rite I - no music

10:45 a.m. - Rite II - Music and Live Stream

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Welcome to St. Francis

A loving community serving God's Kingdom

From our Senior Warden:

“For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body – Jews or Greeks, slaves or free – and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many.” 1 Corinthians 12: 13-14 NSRV

Father Mitch often stated that St. Francis Episcopal Church is not the building or him, but the people. We were blessed with ten years to grow together. St. Francis hired Father Mitch to be our priest-in-charge directly from his curacy. A curate is a newly ordained priest assigned to a more senior priest (Father Joel was curate under Father Mitch). Father Mitch became the rector of St. Francis and helped us expand our spiritual offerings and community outreach. God has now called him to be the rector of Holy Spirit, a larger church with an affiliated school. In addition to being proud of Father Mitch for his accomplishments, we should be proud of our congregation for helping him reach this point in his professional and spiritual life. Now it is time to begin a new phase for St. Francis.

Please be assured that worship, ministries, and Christian education will continue. Pastoral visits can be arranged by contacting Kathy Dunn, the office, or me. The Rev. Rob Jerger has graciously offered to perform weddings, baptisms, funerals, and last rites upon request. We will continue to lift each other up during coffee hour, Serendipity Dinners, Breakfast for All, and Out-to-Lunch Bunch gatherings. We will host the pet blessing, Lenten series, and Easter egg hunt as usual. Life at St. Francis continues.

The vestry met with The Rev. Canon Christine M. Faulstich, Canon to the Ordinary, for instructions on moving forward. The diocese has five steps in the “rector to rector” process: (1) saying goodbye to the outgoing rector, (2) surveying the characteristics of the parish and the qualities wanted in a rector so we can create and publish a Parish Profile, (3) actively seeking a new rector, (4) calling (making an offer to) a new rector, and (5) welcoming and incorporating the new rector into parish life. This process typically takes a year and a half to two years within our diocese. We will spend the next few months examining the values and priorities of our congregation, as we also continue to make our campus more attractive and appealing. Time spent in evaluation and improvement is an investment in the future and success of St. Francis. Please feel free to call, text, or email me with questions. I urge you to join me in praying for the future of St. Francis and the future success of Father Mitch, Camille, and Jimmy. We’ve got this…with God’s help.

May God’s blessings descend upon us,

Lisa Kraus

Senior Warden

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